

《109-2 SA Event》International Lounge Held on 11th June 2021: Team 'We Hear You' Emerges Victorious


On 11th June 2021, a virtual international lounge was organized to select the 8th Student Association Of International Programs. The event started at 8 pm, and the three competing teams presented their ideas for the upcoming semester.

The first team, team 'We Hear You,' consisted of Reianthong Vongseangkam (1st-year GHRM MBA) as the nominee for the post of President, Cao Huynh Hong Phan (1st-year GHRM MBA), and Yu Tzu Ching (1st-year IBMBA) as the vice president nominees. Their agenda included a vast list of 'Social Activity,' 'Career Development, and 'SA operation transformation' activities.

The second team consisted of Yvonne (1st-year IBMBA) as the presidential nominee and Sarka (1st-year GHRM MBA), and Jennifer (1st-year IBMBA) as the nominees for the post of vice presidents. They wanted to organize a 'real MBA life' for the students. Their proposed activities included 'MBA high table gathering,' 'career fair and PhPh.D.dvising workshop', 'educational virtual conference,' and 'abroad study advising,' among others.

Team 3 included Tomas Kejha (1st-year GHRM MBA) for the post of president, and Melody Hsueh (1st-year IBMBA), and Michael Polacek (1st-year GHRM MBA) for the position of vice presidents. Their proposals included 'sports day gathering and buffet,' 'ice braking trip', 'Halloween party (yacht party)' among others. A lucky draw was conducted at the end of the event, and 15 participants received 100 dollar food panda vouchers.

After the campaigning period was over, the results were declared online by the outgoing president Rossie on 16th June 2021. Team ‘We Hear You’ consisting of Reianthong Vongseangkam, Cao Huynh Hong, and Yu Tzu Ching were declared as the 8th Student Association of International Programs. GHRM MBA and IBMBA look forward to the new team and their initiatives.
