

2020 NSYSU GHRM IBMBA Orientation: Start Of A New Chapter


The annual International program (GHRM MBA and IBMBA) orientation took place on the 5th of September 2020. For the first time, the orientation was held at Lasertek International Conference Hall, which is mostly reserved for important international conferences. After the registration, sharing of the new student handbook, and a little bit of mingling, the event went underway.

Ryan Fernandez, GHRM MBA alumnus, introduced a series of team-building events. The team-building event wasn't just fun and games but contained hidden life lessons that Ryan disclosed after the games concluded. He advised the new students to be nice to the professors, staff, and to each other. Ryan also shared about the priceless values of good communication, leadership, listening, support, trust, adaptivity, and ownership/accountability.

After the exciting team building event, the Deputy Director, Thijs Velema, welcomed the new students on behalf of the department. Dean of NSYSU, Dr. San-Yih Hwang, started the faculty introduction and briefed the new students on the avenues and opportunities provided by the university and encouraged them to travel around and immerse in Taiwanese culture.

Professors Jeeyeon Kim, Frank Wong, and Kim Choy Chung also introduced themselves and discussed the courses they teach and their research interests. Unfortunately, Professor Ryan Brading and Director Of International Programs, Dr. Sharon Wang, couldn't join the event, but they both sent a short video introducing themselves and greeting the new students. After that, Deputy Director Thijs Velema expressed his hopes of engaging and teaching the new students as well as learning from each other for the next two years.

After group photo secessions, members of different student organizations introduced their group such as John from NSYSU student’s fraternity AV Takao Montania as well as Elon, Remco, Jetsin, and Sam from the university’s zealous Dragon Boat team. Lima from 2nd year GHRM MBA program touched on the topic of cultural differences and cross-cultural working tips and advised the new students to find strength in diversity and finally, the President of Student Association Joy, and vice-presidents Jonathan and Sam introduced themselves and presented about the responsibilities they are in charge of and the assistance offered by them.

James Tseng from Taipei, one of the new students for the GHRM MBA Program, commented that he enjoyed the event, particularly the team building games organized by Ryan. He says that he is looking forward to learning about business as it will be his first time as well as meeting different people.

Kudos to Student Association for planning, coordinating, and executing such a meticulously planned orientation and especially for ensuring that even the students that couldn’t make it to the event due to various hurdles could attend virtually. To the new students, The International Program Office will take every measure possible to ensure that you have all that is needed to succeed in whatever fields you want to foray into.
